Indian shares edged higher on Friday, gaining for a fourth consecutive session, after Tata Consultancy Services' better-than-expected earnings sparked a rally in IT stocks and offset global concerns about the downing of a Malaysian airliner in Ukraine.
Gold dropped on Friday, set for its first week of decline in seven on fears of higher U.S. rates and as investors took profits after a 1.5 percent jump on the downing of a passenger plane in eastern Ukraine.
NSE bank index or bank nifty gained 6.5 percent this week, the best weekly gain in eight, after falling 7.1 percent in the previous week.
IDFC Ltd rose 2.9 percent, ending up 10.3 percent for the week, ICICI Bank Ltd gained 2.1 percent, while Axis Bank Ltd ended 2.1 percent higher.
For regular updates and latest stock market tips and news you can visit .NSE bank index or bank nifty gained 6.5 percent this week, the best weekly gain in eight, after falling 7.1 percent in the previous week.
IDFC Ltd rose 2.9 percent, ending up 10.3 percent for the week, ICICI Bank Ltd gained 2.1 percent, while Axis Bank Ltd ended 2.1 percent higher.