The BSE Sensex and Nifty rose on Friday as defensive stocks such as Sun Pharmaceutical Industries and Ranbaxy Laboratories jumped on the U.S. regulator's approval for a key drug while IT stocks gained after rival Accenture Plc reported robust quarterly revenue growth.
Broader gains were however capped as Asian shares were mostly in the red on Friday, weighed down by a weak performance on Wall Street and doubts about the strength of the U.S. economy, which pushed bonds higher.
Traders said markets may remain range-bound in the near term amid the backdrop of government deferring a key gas price hike decision while a lagging monsoon and the newly-elected government's maiden budget on July 10 also added to uncertainty.
The benchmark Sensex rose 0.15 percent, or 37.25 points, to end at 25,099.92, notching up a weekly fall of 0.02 percent.
Broader gains were however capped as Asian shares were mostly in the red on Friday, weighed down by a weak performance on Wall Street and doubts about the strength of the U.S. economy, which pushed bonds higher.
Traders said markets may remain range-bound in the near term amid the backdrop of government deferring a key gas price hike decision while a lagging monsoon and the newly-elected government's maiden budget on July 10 also added to uncertainty.
The benchmark Sensex rose 0.15 percent, or 37.25 points, to end at 25,099.92, notching up a weekly fall of 0.02 percent.
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