Indian shares fell on Wednesday for a fifth session in six, with blue-chips such as Reliance Industries Ltd taking a hit as caution ahead of expiry of June derivatives on Thursday and fears of more violence in Iraq prompted investors to pare positions.
Auto stocks surged in the final minutes of trade after Finance Minister Arun Jaitley told reporters that India had extended excise duty concessions for automobiles, among other sectors.
The S&P BSE Sensex ended a lackluster session in the red as traders squared off long positions ahead of the June series F&O expiry.
Gains in auto, pharmaceuticals and IT were offset by losses in capital goods, banks and oil & gas sectors.Mahindra and Mahindra rose 1.1 percent, while Maruti Suzuki India Ltd jumped 2.3 percent.
Gains in auto, pharmaceuticals and IT were offset by losses in capital goods, banks and oil & gas sectors.Mahindra and Mahindra rose 1.1 percent, while Maruti Suzuki India Ltd jumped 2.3 percent.
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