The BSE Sensex was trading 0.12 per cent lower and the
Nifty flat on Friday, giving up gains earlier in the session as investors
refused to take big risks ahead of the year-end holidays, while muted sentiment
across the region also weighed.
Trading volumes remained low as investor interest was subdued despite Friday being the first trading day for the new monthly derivatives contract, traders said.
Overseas investors sold shares worth Rs. 2,810 crore on Wednesday, provisional exchange data showed. Foreign institutional investors have been selling shares for the 11th straight session, totalling about $1.5 billion, exchange and regulatory data showed.
Trading volumes remained low as investor interest was subdued despite Friday being the first trading day for the new monthly derivatives contract, traders said.
Overseas investors sold shares worth Rs. 2,810 crore on Wednesday, provisional exchange data showed. Foreign institutional investors have been selling shares for the 11th straight session, totalling about $1.5 billion, exchange and regulatory data showed.
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