The BSE Sensex and Nifty fell nearly 1% on Wednesday, snapping two days of gains, as lenders such as State Bank of India and ICICI Bank slumped on worries that a sell-off in government bonds would hit the value of their debt holdings.
The Sensex provisionally closed 0.95 percent lower at 25,660.84, while the Nifty fell 0.96 percent to 7,672.05.
ICICI Bank Ltd (ICBK.NS) provisionally fell 2.67 percent while State Bank of India (SBI.NS) closed down 2.02 percent.
Gold steadied on Wednesday as concerns of increasing military action along the Ukraine border put global equities under pressure.pot gold gained 0.1 percent to $1,288.74 an ounce by 1003 GMT. The metal fell to its lowest since June 19 at $1,280.40 last week, steadying just above that level since.
Platinum gained 0.2 percent to $1,449.50 an ounce, while palladium was flat on the day at $844.22 an ounce.
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