The Sensex has rallied nearly 600 per cent in the past 20 years from 3,000 to nearly 27,000, but this has not been enough to enthuse retail investors. Posting its biggest single-day decline in 1-1/2 months as blue-chips slipped on caution ahead of the U.S. Federal Reserve's two-day meeting, while foreign portfolio sales also weighed on sentiment.
For the record, the index today ended the day at 26,492.51; down 324 points; while Nifty shut shop at 7,932.90; down 109.10 points.
The broader Nifty provisionally lost 1.41 percent, closing below key 8,000 level, while the benchmark BSE Sensex ended down 1.24 percent, their biggest one-day fall since Aug. Bucking the overall markets trend, the real action was seen in small and midcap space wherein as much as 448 stocks managed to hit their fresh 52-week high on the Bombay Stock Exchange.
For the record, the index today ended the day at 26,492.51; down 324 points; while Nifty shut shop at 7,932.90; down 109.10 points.
The broader Nifty provisionally lost 1.41 percent, closing below key 8,000 level, while the benchmark BSE Sensex ended down 1.24 percent, their biggest one-day fall since Aug. Bucking the overall markets trend, the real action was seen in small and midcap space wherein as much as 448 stocks managed to hit their fresh 52-week high on the Bombay Stock Exchange.
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