The broader Nifty 0.51 % fell on Friday after hitting a record high for a third straight day as investors took profits in blue-chips such as ICICI Bank, while IT outsourcing firms declined after Wipro's U.S. dollar revenue growth lagged rivals.
The stock markets also tracked global shares, lower after a week of largely reassuring economic signals but rising political tensions.
Still, the index rose 1.65 percent for the week, marking its second consecutive weekly gain. The Nifty earlier rose 0.13 percent to hit its third consecutive record high at 7,840.95.
The benchmark BSE Sensex lost 0.55 percent, or 145.10 points, to end at 26,126.75, while rising 1.9 percent for the week.
About of profit-taking hit Indian shares on Friday, sending ICICI Bank Ltd down 2 percent after the stock had gained 12.1 percent over the past eight sessions, while Hindalco Industries Ltd fell 3.1 percent on profit-taking after gaining in the last three sessions.
Still, the index rose 1.65 percent for the week, marking its second consecutive weekly gain. The Nifty earlier rose 0.13 percent to hit its third consecutive record high at 7,840.95.
The benchmark BSE Sensex lost 0.55 percent, or 145.10 points, to end at 26,126.75, while rising 1.9 percent for the week.
About of profit-taking hit Indian shares on Friday, sending ICICI Bank Ltd down 2 percent after the stock had gained 12.1 percent over the past eight sessions, while Hindalco Industries Ltd fell 3.1 percent on profit-taking after gaining in the last three sessions.
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