Indian shares fell for a second straight session on Monday to their lowest close in 1-1/2 weeks on risk aversion among investors due to tensions in Iraq and Ukraine, with domestic-oriented stocks such as Larsen & Toubro Ltd taking a hit.
The Sensex shed 37.69 points or 0.15%, up 126.55 points from the day's low and off 77.93 points from the day's high.
The benchmark BSE index closed down 0.15 percent,or 37.69 points, at 25,228.17.The broader NSE index fell 0.11 percent, or 8.55 points, to 7,542.10.
The benchmark BSE index closed down 0.15 percent,or 37.69 points, at 25,228.17.The broader NSE index fell 0.11 percent, or 8.55 points, to 7,542.10.
Stocks linked to domestic economy led the falls. Larsen & Toubro fell 2.1 percent while Housing Development Finance Corp ended lower 2 percent.
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