Asian shares dropped to a one-month low and the yen pushed higher on Friday, as heightened tension in Ukraine ahead of a weekend referendum drove investors out of riskier assets. Key benchmark indices in China, Indonesia, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore were off 0.46% to 3.02%.
Today’s Call for Stock Market:
•SELL JUST DIAL (LCP- 1613.9) BELOW 1611 TG-1603-1593
•SELL MARUTI (LCP 1747.35) BELOW 1745 TG-1738-1728
•BUY MONSANTO (LCP 1452.7) ABOVE 1458 TG-1465-1475
•BUY STC INDIA (LCP-169.95) ABOVE 171 TG-174-178
Today’s Call for Stock Market:
•SELL JUST DIAL (LCP- 1613.9) BELOW 1611 TG-1603-1593
•SELL MARUTI (LCP 1747.35) BELOW 1745 TG-1738-1728
•BUY MONSANTO (LCP 1452.7) ABOVE 1458 TG-1465-1475
•BUY STC INDIA (LCP-169.95) ABOVE 171 TG-174-178
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